DCAN Labs NDA BIDS Uploading Tools

This ReadTheDocs site covers utility installation, data preparation, and upload specfically for imaging data, which falls under "non-cumulative" data.

By the end of this upload document, the upload folder will contain JSON and YAML file pairs, a lookup CSV, and subfolders per JSON and YAML file pair (containing their own file-mapped subfolders with symbolic links to the actual files you are uploading).

The steps include:

  1. Install dependencies

  2. Create your NDA uploads working directory

  3. Prepare the lookup CSV

  4. Create YAML and JSON files

  5. Run prepare and upload scripts

  6. Contact the NDA for Quality Assessment

Table of Contents


  1. Install Dependencies

  2. Create Your NDA Uploads Working Directory

  3. Prepare the Lookup CSV

  4. Create YAML and JSON Files

  5. Run and Validate Prepare and Upload Scripts

  6. Contact the NDA for Quality Assessment

  7. Advice for Working with the NDA

  8. Additional Information