Run and Validate Prepare and Upload Scripts


The script runs filemapper on the data to be uploaded as specified in the lookup.csv contained in the upload folder (eg destination folder for If any of the parent directories are completely empty, it will delete those folders. It then runs on all of the file-mapped folders to create manifest JSONs and records.csv, which contains a list of full paths to all files to upload. 

When using there are four mandatory flags:

--source (-s): The directory under which all data desired
for upload is found. This is usually the output of a pipeline like
Dcm2Bids or abcd-hcp-pipeline. It is the directory your file mapper
JSONs will be mapping from.

--destination (-d): The upload directory you began in [step two]( 
This directory is going to be where all of the data will be
organized after has finished.

--subject-list: A list of subjects and session pairs within a .csv
file with column labels "bids_subject_id" and "bids_session_id,"

--datatypes: A list of NDA data types within a .txt file you plan
to upload. should create the following:

  • parent/child directories for each datatype
  • complete_folders.txt: contains one line with path to location of that particular file prepped for upload
  • complete_records.csv: contains all data for that subject pulled from lookup.csv
  • folders_1_500_1.txt: separates out the subject files in separate batches of 500 files each. Eg if there were 1400 files (or is it subjects?), there would be 3 submissions, batch 1 with 500 files, batch 2 with 500 files, and batch 3 with 400 files
  • Companion csv for each txt - manifest.txt information for the files being uploaded


Once this script has been run you will want to spot check the results.

You can validate that all of the expected subjects are present in at least one of the datatype folders by running the script with your subject_list.csv and your working directory as the inputs. You can also specify an output file. This script will loop through each datatype folder and build a list of subject IDs that have a datatype folder. Then it will compare that list to the subject list. It will output a text file containing the subject IDs that are in the subject list but not in any of the datatype folders.
If there are many subjects missing, part of the issue could be that the lookup.csv does not contain all of the subjects that it should, so be sure to double check that all of the subjects listed in the subject_list.csv are also in the lookup.csv and that there aren't any duplicate subject,session pairs. The output log of the run should have warnings for any subjects that weren't found in the lookup.csv, which means that they are either completely missing or that there are duplicates.

This script should also create several types of files. It will create pairs of csv and txt files that separate out the subject files in separate batches of 500 files each, with the naming convention {datatype-folder}.records_{num-of-subjects}500{batch-number}. For example if there were 1400 subjects, there would be 3 submissions: batch 1 and 2 with 500 subjects each and batch 3 with 400 subjects. The txt/csv for the final batch would be named The companion csv contains the manifest.txt information for the files being uploaded.

You should also validate the directory structure of the datatype folders that were created. In the upload directory, you will find a parent/child directory setup. You should have a parent directory for each of the JSON/YAML file pairs where relevant files were found. They should have the same name as their corresponding JSON/YAML files without the extensions. Underneath you should find a child directory for every subject (and session if used) that was found to have the relevant files listed in the corresponding file mapper JSON.

You will notice a common naming convention for the "child" directories as well. At the child directory level the naming convention has four "sections" which follow the model "S.X.Y.Z". The same conventions as above are followed, with one important exception. The first component  "S." replaces "A_". The "S." represents the bids_subject_session in the lookup.csv file. Below are three examples to highlight different variations.

Example 1: Prepared Parent and Child Directories


Below a parent directory named fmriresults_inputs.anat.T1w the scripts will expect any amount of BIDS-formatted standard folders, one for each individual subject or session record you want to upload. Read on for how the child directories should be formatted.

└── sub-NDARABC123_ses-baseline.inputs.anat.T1w

You can see the different sections put together here:

  1. A is fmriresults

  2. X is inputs

  3. Y is anat

  4. Z is T1w

  5. S is sub-NDARABC123_ses-baseline, (the session is being labeled)

  6. <subjectlabel> is NDARABC123

  7. <sessionlabel> is baseline

Within all child directories you will find a directory hierarchy created by your file mapper JSONs underneath.

For BIDS inputs, use the official BIDS Validator to check for validity. For BIDS derivatives, remember that there should be derivatives/<pipeline> prior to your subject-specific and session-specific derivative folders.

For example, starting from the prepared child directory:


The final directory structure from the parent directory down should follow like the examples below.

Example 2: BIDS Anatomical Inputs

└── sub-NDARABC123_ses-baseline.inputs.anat.T1w
      ├── CHANGES
      ├── dataset_description.json
      ├── README
      └── sub-NDARABC123
            └── ses-baseline
                  └── anat
                        ├── sub-NDARABC123_ses-baseline_T1w.json
                        └── sub-NDARABC123_ses-baseline_T1w.nii.gz

Example 3: BIDS Derivatives

└── sub-NDARABC123_ses-baseline.derivatives.func.runs_task-rest
      └── derivatives
            └── abcd-hcp-pipeline
                  └── sub-NDARABC123
                        └── ses-baseline
                              └── func
                                    ├── sub-NDARABC123_ses-baseline_task-rest_run-1_bold_timeseries.dtseries.nii
                                    ├── sub-NDARABC123_ses-baseline_task-rest_run-1_motion.tsv
                                    ├── sub-NDARABC123_ses-baseline_task-rest_run-2_bold_timeseries.dtseries.nii
                                    └── sub-NDARABC123_ses-baseline_task-rest_run-2_motion.tsv

If your directories are not formatted correctly please check your file mapper JSON files for proper formatting.


Before you begin the upload process, we recommend sending the NDA a curtesy email letting them know that you are about to start uploading data. If possible, provide an estimate of how much data is going to be uploaded.

The script uses records.csv (generated by above) to split the files to be uploaded into batches of 500. For each batch, the script loops through each of the file paths to generate and run the necessary upload command using NDA-tools.

When using there are three mandatory arguments:

--collection (or -c): The collection flag needs an NDA Collection ID. You can find collection IDs in the NDA repository. For instance, the ABCC is 3165, ASD-BIDS is 1955, ADHD-BIDS years 1-8 is 2857, and ADHD-BIDS years 9-12 is 3222.

--source (or -s): The source flag expects the complete path to the A_X.Y.Z subfolder within the destination directory from This should be the exact same path as the --source specified for The expected basename of the provided path MUST have the structure A_X.Y.Z. The script will fail if this is not the case.

--ndavtcmd (or -vt): The ndavtcmd flag expects the absolute path to the vtcmd script. 

Example --ndavtcmd: ~/.local/bin/vtcmd

# if it is in your local Python installation binaries folder\

The first time this script is run, you should be prompted for your NIMH username and password, which is then stored in \~/.NDATools/settings.cfg. However, if only your username is stored in that file, create a pass.txt file in your working directory (that only you can read/write) to store just your NDA password.

Find the upload logs, validation results, and submission package here: \~/NDA/nda-tools/vtcmd


After running, check that the submission was successful. As the upload is running, you should receive emails from the NDA confirming your submission for each batch. First check the output logs for any errors. Then, follow the steps below to check the submission on the NDA:

  1. Log into the NDA

  2. Navigate to your dashboard.

  3. Click on "Collections (#)"

  4. Click on the collection name you uploaded to.

  5. Click on the "Submissions" tab and check the "Submission Loading Status"

To validate which files have been uploaded, you can use the script under the utilites directory. This will output a file that has the file name, submission ID, subject, and session information for each subject in a given list.

There are three flags:

--md5 (-in): Valid path to the md5_values.txt file, which should be in a tab-separated format
--subject_list (-sub): Valid path to a subject list with the format subject,session WITH the 'sub-' and 'ses-' prefixes and no headers.
--output (-out, --output_file): Path to a .txt file to save output information into. Default is cwd/uploaded_nda_files.txt

Example command: python3 -in /path/to/md5_values.txt -out /path/to/output_file.txt -sub /path/to/subject_list.txt

How to Download the md5_values.txt

To create a package with the metadata files, including the md5_values.txt, follow these steps:

  • Ensure you have 'Admin' permissions on your NDA Collection.
  • Visit your NDA Collection and navigate to the 'Submissions' tab.
  • Select the submission(s) you wish to review and download. **
  • Click "Add to Filter Cart" located in the bottom left corner of the page.
  • Wait for your Filter Cart to finish updating.
  • Click “Create Data Package/Add Data to Study”.
  • Create your data package will the default selected settings (include associated data should not be selected)
  • Download your package with this command (will need to have nda-tools installed): download cmd -dp <package_id> -d <output/dir/>

** If you would like to download the metadata for the entire collection, on the collection page you can add the entire collection to your filter cart.

This should download several files containing the metadata associated with the selected submissions, including the md5_values.txt.