Preparing Content YAML and File Mapper JSON files

The content YAMLs and file mapper JSONs are used in the script. The YAMLs are used to create the NDA records for upload, which contain all possible information that one can query about data. The JSONs are used to symlink the data into individual subdirectories based on NDA datatypes for ease of upload.  The content YAML and file mapper JSON file's naming and content structure are provided below.

There are example content YAML files for each of data structures within the examples folder of the NDA Uploads repository. Only valid NDA data structure content based on the links above should be used in these YAML files.

Content YAML and File Mapper JSON file naming conventions

JSON and YAML files are always paired. If a JSON file is created then a YAML must be made with the same file prefix and different extension.  For example, if fmriresults01_sourcedata.anat.T1w.json exists, then by necessity fmriresults01_sourcedata.anat.T1w.yaml MUST also exist.

File naming Format


When creating JSON and YAML files there is an expected naming convention. The naming convention has four "sections", A_X.Y.Z with .yaml or .json on the end depending on the type of file that is being created. 

For all sections

There are two restrictions on naming conventions.

  1. Periods "." should only be used in the separations between sections X, Y, and Z.

  2. An underscore "_" MUST be used in the separation between sections A and X. Underscores are allowed in the naming of section Z.

A valid content YAML and file mapper JSON pair would be named as such:



Descriptions of the naming conventions are given below:

Section A

Section A must be one of the following:

  • fmriresults01

  • image03

  • imagingcollection01

The fmriresults01 data structure should be used for any processed MRI or fMRI data with the NDA. The imagingcollection01 data structure is being phased out by the NDA for non-HCP and non-ABCD studies and is therefore deprecated within these tools. For non-HCP and non-ABCD studies use fmriresults01 for all non-source data (ex: inputs, sourcedata, and derivatives). For all sources, use the image03 data structure (ex: DICOMs).

Section X

Section X can be:

  • inputs

  • derivatives

  • sourcedata

For section X there are currently these options. inputs are the unprocessed imaging data in BIDS format. derivatives are the results of processing the BIDS inputs. sourcedata are things like task timing files (EventRelatedInformation) and other raw/as-acquired data (eg DICOMs).

Section Y

Section Y usually uses BIDS standard data naming, but is also allowed to deviate:

  • anat

  • dwi

  • fmap

  • func

  • executivesummary

  • (similar entries)

There are BIDS naming conventions for some of these entities. These are maintained within the BIDS specification and can be found here. Other naming conventions can be created as necessary.

Section Z

Section Z is an open-ended and user-defined data subset type. It is recommended to use something concise enough to convey the contents of what you've prepared.

Content YAMLs

The content YAML files are used together with the lookup CSV to construct the NDA's required data structure for an upload. The fields within these data structures are described in the NDA's data dictionaries linked below.

There are three categories that each field within a data structure fall into: Required, Conditional, and Recommended. Required fields MUST be filled with NDA-valid information. Conditional fields MUST be filled if their condition is met. Recommended fields do not need to be filled, but should be filled if information is available. The "VALUE RANGE" column gives allowable values for each field

For example, according to the fmriresults01 data dictionary "scan_type" is a required element and "experiment_id" is a conditional element. If "scan_type == fMRI" is specified then "experiment_id" is required.

For further guidance on the values of each element use the previously created content yamls for the ABCC and ADHD collections as a reference.

Content YAML Example

inputs: "Updated data for the ABCC (ABCD-3165) August 2023 Release"
file_source: "NDA Collection 3165: DCAN Labs ABCD-BIDS"
job_name: "abcd-hcp-pipeline"
proc_types: "Linux Docker processing on a slurm cluster"
pipeline: "dcanlabs/abcd-hcp-pipeline:v0.1.3"
pipeline_script: ""
pipeline_tools: "abcd-hcp-pipeline v0.1.3, ANTs v2.2.0, Convert3D v1.0.0, FreeSu
rfer v5.3.0-HCP, FSL v5.0.10, MSM v2.00, Workbench v1.3.2, DCAN-Labs/DCAN-HCP, D
CAN-Labs/dcan_bold_processing, DCAN-Labs/CustomClean, and DCAN-Labs/ExecutiveSum
pipeline_type: "Dockerized BIDS App for MRI session rocessing"
pipeline_version: "v0.1.3"
qc_fail_quest_reason: "Rated questionable because it has not been explicitly ver
ified yet"
qc_outcome: "questionable"
scan_type: "MR structural"
image_history: "See"

Note: Regarding the NDA required fields for fmriresults01:  manifest, image_description, derived_files, qc_fail_quest_reason, and qc_outcome:

  1. manifest, image_description, and derived_files should not be provided because generates them correctly already.

  2. qc_fail_quest_reason and qc_outcome should be provided as questionable if QC was not performed.

File-mapper JSON files

The file mapper JSON files are used together with the lookup CSV and the target directory passed to the script to create NDA formatted directories.  A collection of file mapper JSON file examples are available within the nda-bids-upload GitHub repository.

File mapper JSON Example 1

    "dataset_description.json": "dataset_description.json",


Critically, each JSON file can have more than one file specified. Furthermore, files need not be MRI images. Files could even be a zip file.

These JSON files are organized in a two part key and value system:

  • files_source: files_destination

The files_source is the *relative* path under the target directory passed to The files_destination is the *relative* path under the child directory as dictated by the BIDS format. The relative path is relative to the source path you provide when running Do not use *full* paths because the code will not accept forward slashes as the first character for either the files_source or the files_destination.

As seen in File mapper JSON Example 1, the subject and session labels are filled in by the placeholder variables {SUBJECT} and {SESSION}. This is so all of the subjects (and sessions) found in the lookup CSV can have the same file mapper JSON files applied to them. All subjects and sessions will be symlinked using your provided JSON files.