Create Your Uploads Working Directory

  1. Create a working directory for your submissions.

  2. Within that working directory include the following:

    a. A datatypes.txt file including a list of all of the NDA datatypes you plan to upload

    b. A subject_list.csv file containing a list of the subjects and their sessions you plan to upload with the column headers bids_subject_id and bids_session_id, respectively.

    c. Scripts set up to run and on your system. Examples of what our team uses on MSI exist under the utilities directory inside this repository.

  3. Copy or create your YAML and JSON pair files within your working directory under prepared_yamls and prepared_jsons directories, respectively.

    a. If these do not exist, see Create YAML and JSON Files for instructions on how to create them.

  4. Include the lookup.csv for the data you are uploading inside your working directory. 

    a. If this does not exist, see Prepare the Lookup CSV for instructions on how to create it.

├── working directory
│   ├── prepared_yamls
│   ├── prepared_jsons
|   ├── datatypes.txt
|   ├── subject_list.csv
|   ├── lookup.csv
|   ├──
|   ├──